Convert kg to lbs

Mass (in kg):
Mass (in lbs):

The calculator allows you to convert kilograms to pounds.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert pounds to kilograms

1 kg = 2.20462 lbs (approximately equal to)
1 lb = 0.453592 kg (approximately equal to)


We are going to convert a mass from 60 kg to pounds.
Mass = 60 kg
1 kg = 2.20462 pounds
Mass = 60 kg = 60 x 2.20462 = 132.28 lbs
The symbol for the pound is "lb" or "lbs" in the plural form. "lb" is the abbreviation of the Latin word "libra".

Kilograms to pounds chart

Convert kg to lbs:

1 kg = 2.2 lbs
10 kg = 22.05 lbs
20 kg = 44.09 lbs
30 kg = 66.14 lbs
40 kg = 88.18 lbs
50 kg = 110.23 lbs
60 kg = 132.28 lbs
70 kg = 154.32 lbs
80 kg = 176.37 lbs
90 kg = 198.42 lbs
100 kg = 220.46 lbs

Difference between mass and weight

Mass represents the amount of matter in a body and it is measured in kilograms for example.
Weight is the force that this body exerts on the ground and it is measured in Newtons. Weight is the measure of the amount of force acting on a mass due to the acceleration due to gravity.
The mass is the same everywhere in the Universe. It is the weight that varies.

Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in a body. Weight is mass multiplied by the acceleration of gravity. Mass is the amount of matter in an object, while weight is the force of gravity by which the earth attracts towards it. Mass is the amount of matter or substance that makes up an object. Mass is a measurement of how much matter is in an object. Weight is defined as the force exerted by the gravity on an object.

What does it mean to convert a unit?

Converting a unit is the conversion between different units of measure for the same quantity. A unit conversion expresses the same property as a different unit of measurement. The conversion of units is the conversion between different units of measurement for the same quantity. A unit of measurement is a definite magnitude of a quantity. We use units while measuring the quantities so we can understand what we are measuring. The word unit is used to describe how something is measured. Measurements and units are useful because without proper measurements and units to express them, we can never express physical laws precisely just from qualitative reasoning. We might think of measurements and units as the nouns of our observations of science.