Convert m3 to liter

Volume (in cubic meters - m3) :
Volume (in liters - L) :

The calculator allows you to convert cubic meters to liters.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert liters to cubic meters

1 m3 (cubic meter) = 1000 L (liters)


We are going to convert a volume V of 5 m3 to liters.
Volume V = 5 m3
1 m3 = 1000 L
V = 5 m3 = 5 x 1 000 = 5 000 L


What's the difference between liter and litre?

Liter is the American English spelling and Litre is UK English/Australian English. It is the same word, it is just different spelling. A liter is a unit of volume.

Liters / Cubic meters

1 Liter is equal to 0.001 cubic meter. To convert liters to cubic meters, multiply the liter value by 0.001 or divide by 1000.
1 cubic meter is equal to 1000 liters.To convert cubic meters to liters, multiply the cubic meter value by 1000.
A liter is a unit of volume equal to one cubic decimeter (dm3). 1 liter is equal to 1 000 milliliters.

A cubic meter is an unit, that represents the volume of the cube with length, width and height equal to 1 meter. It is a unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI). A cubic meter is a measure of volume corresponding to a box with side lengths of one meter. It is equal to 1 000 liters.
A cubic meter was a unit of volume defined as a cube measuring one meter per side.

Cubic meters and cubic decimeters

1 cubic meter = 1 000 cubic decimeters
1 m3 = 1 000 dm3
There are 1 000 cubic decimeters (dm3) in 1 cubic meter (m3).


The SI unit (International System of Units) of volume is the cubic meter (m3) which is the volume occupied by a cube that measures 1 meter on each side. A gallon is a United States unit of liquid capacity equal to about 3.785 liters. An easy way to figure from liters to gallons is that a quart is a little less than a liter and 4 liters is a little more than 1 gallon. In the United States of America, the gallon is a unit of measurement used, for example, for liquids such as water, milk and gasoline.