Convert knots to km/h

Speed (in knots):
Speed (in km/h or kph):

The calculator allows you to convert knots (or nautical miles) to kph.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert kph to knots

1 km/h = 0.539957 knots (approximately equal to)
1 knot = 1.852 km/h


We are going to convert a speed of 20 knots in km/h.
Speed = 20 knots
1 knot = 1.852 km/h
Speed = 20 knots = 20 x 1.852 = 37.04 km/h

Knots to km/h chart

Convert knots to km/h:

1 knot = 1.852 km/h
10 knots = 18.52 km/h
20 knots = 37.04 km/h
30 knots = 55.56 km/h
40 knots = 74.08 km/h
50 knots = 92.6 km/h
60 knots = 111.12 km/h
70 knots = 129.64 km/h
80 knots = 148.16 km/h
90 knots = 166.68 km/h
100 knots = 185.2 km/h

The knot is the unit of measurement for boat speed.
Knots correspond to the speed of planes and boats.
1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour = 6076 feet per hour
1 mph = 1 mile per hour = 5280 feet per hour

One knot equals one nautical mile per hour. Nautical miles are used to measure the distance traveled through the water. Knots are used to measure speed.
A knot is a unit of speed that ties directly into the global latitude and longitude coordinate system. Distance is usually measured in nautical miles at sea.

A nautical mile, a unit of measurement defined as 1.852 kilometres, is based on the circumference of the earth and is equal to one minute of latitude. A nautical mile is different from a mile on land. A knot is a nautical mile per hour, not a nautical mile in distance. The knot is, in navigation, the measure of speed at sea and is equal to one nautical mile per hour.


The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour. Knots are used to measure speed. The knot is the unit of measurement for boat speed and plane speed. The knot is used in both marine and aviation industries as a measure of speed. Planes and boats calculate speed in knots, a knot is equal to one nautical mile per hour. A nautical mile is one-sixtieth (1/60) of a degree of latitude. It varies from 6046 feet at the equator to 6092 feet at a latitude of 60°. The distance between degrees of longitude is about 60 nautical miles at the equator.

The main latitude line is the equator, which runs around the Earth's middle and is assigned a value of 0 degree. One degree of latitude equals 60 nautical miles. One minute of latitude equals one nautical mile because each degree of latitude can be subdivided into 60 minutes. Degrees of latitude are always 60 nautical miles apart. The distance between degrees of longitude is about 60 nautical miles at the equator. Degrees are divided into 60 minutes of distance.