Convert centiliters to milliliters

Volume (centiliters):
Volume (milliliters):

The calculator allows you to convert cl to ml.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert milliliters to centiliters

1 cl = 10 ml
1 centiliter = 10 milliliters

Cl and ml

Centiliters and milliliters are both units of measurement for volume, and they are related as follows: 1 centiliter (cl) is equal to 10 milliliters (ml). This means that to convert from cl to ml, you need to multiply the value in cl by 10.


For example, if you have 5 cl of liquid, the conversion to ml would be:
5 cl x 10 = 50 ml
Therefore, 5 centiliters is equal to 50 milliliters.

We can take another example: convert 20 cl to ml.
To convert cl to ml, we multiply by 10 because there are 10 milliliters in one centiliter. So, to convert 20 cl to ml, we multiply 20 by 10: 20 cl x 10 = 200 ml
Therefore, 20 centiliters is equal to 200 milliliters.


A centiliter (cl) is a unit of measurement for volume that is equal to one-hundredth of a liter. The prefix "centi-" means one hundredth, so a centiliter is equivalent to 0.01 liter or 10 milliliters. Centiliters are commonly used to measure small quantities of liquid, such as for cooking or in laboratory experiments.


A milliliter (ml) is a unit of measurement for volume that is equal to one-thousandth of a liter. The prefix "milli-" means one thousandth, so a milliliter is equivalent to 0.001 liter. Milliliters are commonly used to measure small quantities of liquid.

A conversion table for centiliters (cL) to milliliters (mL)

Centiliters (cL) Milliliters (mL)
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
6 60
7 70
8 80
9 90
10 100

To use this table, simply find the number of centiliters you want to convert in the left-hand column, and then read the corresponding number of milliliters in the right-hand column. For example, if you want to convert 3 centiliters to milliliters, you would look in the left-hand column for the row that says "3", and then read across to the right-hand column to find that 3 centiliters is equal to 30 milliliters.