Convert cm to feet

Distance (in centimeters):
Distance (in feet):

The calculator allows you to convert cm to feet.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert feet to centimeters

1 cm = 1 / 30.48 feet or approximately 0.0328 feet
1 foot = 30.48 cm

To convert centimeters to feet, divide by 30.48.


We are going to convert a distance d of 150 centimeters to feet.
Distance d = 150 centimeters
1 cm = 1 / 30.48 ft
d = 150 cm = 150 / 30.48 = 4.92 feet

Feet (unit of distance)

A foot (symbol: ft) is a unit of length or distance commonly used in the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries that use the imperial system of measurement. It is equal to 12 inches or 0.3048 meters. The foot was originally based on the length of a human foot, and it has been used as a unit of measurement for thousands of years. In the past, different cultures had different lengths for the foot, leading to confusion and inconsistency in measurements. However, in the 18th century, the standard foot was defined as exactly 0.3048 meters, which is known as the international foot or the survey foot. The foot is commonly used in construction, architecture, engineering, and other fields that require measurements of length or distance. In addition to the basic foot, there are other units of measurement that are based on or related to the foot, such as the square foot (a unit of area), the cubic foot (a unit of volume), and the foot-pound (a unit of work or energy).

The foot is part of the imperial system of measurement, which was widely used in the past by the British Empire and its colonies, as well as the United States. Today, however, most countries use the metric system of measurement, which uses meters instead of feet. In some countries that still use the imperial system, such as the United States, the foot is commonly used to measure height (in feet and inches), as well as distance and length (in feet). For example, a person who is 6 feet tall is about 1.83 meters tall. The foot is also used in aviation to measure altitude above sea level. One foot of altitude is equivalent to 0.0001894 nautical miles (the distance covered by one minute of latitude). In addition to the standard foot, there are also other units of measurement that are based on the foot, such as the yard (3 feet), the mile (5,280 feet), and the fathom (6 feet, used to measure depth in water).

A conversion table for centimeters (cm) to feet (ft)

Centimeters (cm) Feet (ft)
1 cm 0.0328 ft
10 cm 0.3281 ft
20 cm 0.6562 ft
30 cm 0.9843 ft
40 cm 1.3123 ft
50 cm 1.6404 ft
60 cm 1.9685 ft
70 cm 2.2966 ft
80 cm 2.6247 ft
90 cm 2.9528 ft
100 cm 3.2808 ft
150 cm 4.9213 ft
200 cm 6.5617 ft
250 cm 8.2021 ft
300 cm 9.8425 ft
350 cm 11.4829 ft
400 cm 13.1234 ft

To read the table, you can look at each row to see the corresponding conversion from centimeters to feet. For example, if you want to convert 50 centimeters to feet, you can find the row that lists "50 cm" under the "Centimeters (cm)" column. Then, you can look at the value in the "Feet (ft)" column, which is "1.6404 ft". Similarly, if you want to convert 200 centimeters to feet, you can find the row that lists "200 cm" under the "Centimeters (cm)" column. Then, you can look at the value in the "Feet (ft)" column, which is "6.5617 ft". You can use this table to quickly convert between centimeters and feet for various measurements.