Convert grams to lbs

Mass (in grams):
Mass (in lbs):

The calculator allows you to convert grams to pounds.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert pounds to grams

1 g = 0.00220462 lbs (approximately equal to)
1 lb = 453.592 g (approximately equal to)


We are going to convert a mass from 500 grams to pounds.
Mass = 500 g
1 g = 0.00220462 pounds
Mass = 500 g = 500 x 0.00220462 = 1.10231 lbs
The symbol for the pound is "lb" or "lbs" in the plural form. "lb" is the abbreviation of the Latin word "libra".

A conversion table for grams (g) to pounds (lbs)

Grams (g) Pounds (lbs)
1 0.002
10 0.022
50 0.110
100 0.220
250 0.551
500 1.102
750 1.653
1000 2.205
5000 11.023
10000 22.046

This table shows the conversion of grams to pounds. The first column shows the number of grams, and the second column shows the corresponding value in pounds. The values in the second column are rounded to three decimal places. For example, to convert 50 grams to pounds, you would locate the row in the table where the first column shows 50. Then, you would look in the second column to find the corresponding value in pounds, which is 0.110. Likewise, to convert 1000 grams to pounds, you would locate the row in the table where the first column shows 1000. Then, you would look in the second column to find the corresponding value in pounds, which is 2.205.


The gram is a metric unit of mass that is commonly used to measure the weight or mass of small objects. One gram is equal to one thousandth of a kilogram, which is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). The symbol for gram is "g". When expressing measurements, the symbol "g" is typically placed after the numerical value to indicate grams. For example, 10 grams would be written as "10 g".


The pound is a unit of mass commonly used in the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries that have a historical association with the British Empire. One pound is approximately equal to 0.453592 kilograms, which is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). The symbol for pound is "lb". The plural of "lb" (pound) is "lbs" (pounds). So, if you want to express a weight of 20 pounds, you can write it as "20 lbs".