Convert grams to ounces

Mass (in grams):
Mass (in ounces):

The calculator allows you to convert grams to ounces.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert ounces to grams

1 g = 1 / 28.34952 oz or approximately 0.035274 oz
1 oz = 28.34952 g

To convert grams to ounces, divide by 28.34952.

Example 1

We are going to convert a mass m of 120 grams to ounces.
Mass m = 120 g
1 g = 1 / 28.34952 oz
m = 120 g = 120 / 28.34952 = 4.23 oz

Example 2

We are going to convert 100 grams of sugar in ounces.
To convert grams to ounces, you can use the following formula:
1 gram = 1 / 28.34952 ounces

Therefore, to convert a specific weight in grams to ounces, you need to divide the weight in grams by 28.34952. For example, if you have 100 grams of sugar and want to convert it to ounces, you would do:

100 grams / 28.34952 = 3.53 ounces
So 100 grams of sugar is equivalent to 3.53 ounces.

A conversion table for grams (g) to ounces (oz)

Grams (g) Ounces (oz)
1 0.04
2 0.07
3 0.11
4 0.14
5 0.18
6 0.21
7 0.25
8 0.28
9 0.32
10 0.35
15 0.53
20 0.71
25 0.88
30 1.06
35 1.23

The table shows a conversion of grams (g) to ounces (oz). The left column shows the weight in grams, and the right column shows the equivalent weight in ounces. For example, the first row of the table shows that 1 gram is equivalent to 0.04 ounces. The second row shows that 2 grams is equivalent to 0.07 ounces, and so on. To read the table, simply find the weight in grams that you want to convert, and then look at the corresponding value in the right column to see the equivalent weight in ounces.

Ounces (oz)

An ounce (symbol: oz) is a unit of mass or weight that is commonly used in the United States and a few other countries. It is defined as 1/16 of a pound or approximately 28.35 grams. In the United States, the fluid ounce (fl oz) is also used as a unit of volume for liquids, with one fluid ounce equal to approximately 29.5735 milliliters. In cooking and baking, recipes may use ounces as a unit of weight for ingredients like flour, sugar, and butter.