Convert pounds to ounces

Mass (in pounds):
Mass (in ounces):

The calculator allows you to convert pounds to ounces.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert ounces to pounds

1 lb = 16 oz
1 oz = 1 / 16 lb = 0.0625 lb

To convert pounds to ounces, multiply by 16.


We are going to convert a mass m of 3 pounds to ounces.
Mass m = 3 lbs
1 lb = 16 oz
m = 3 lbs = 3 x 16 = 48 oz

To convert pounds to ounces, you can use the following conversion factor:
1 pound = 16 ounces
So, to convert pounds to ounces, simply multiply the number of pounds by 16. For example:
0.25 pounds = 0.25 x 16 = 4 ounces
1.75 pounds = 1.75 x 16 = 28 ounces
2 pounds = 2 x 16 = 32 ounces
5.5 pounds = 5.5 x 16 = 88 ounces
10 pounds = 10 x 16 = 160 ounces
25.5 pounds = 25.5 x 16 = 408 ounces
50 pounds = 50 x 16 = 800 ounces

A conversion table for pounds (lbs) to ounces (oz)

Pounds (lbs) Ounces (oz)
1 16
2 32
3 48
4 64
5 80
6 96
7 112
8 128
9 144
10 160
11 176
12 192
13 208
14 224
15 240
16 256
17 272
18 288
19 304
20 320
30 480
40 640
50 800

You can use this table to convert values between pounds and ounces or to verify the accuracy of your conversions. To convert a value from pounds to ounces, simply find the corresponding value in the "Pounds (lbs)" column and then look to the right in the "Ounces (oz)" column for the converted value. For example, to convert 5 pounds to ounces, find the value of 5 in the "Pounds (lbs)" column and then read the corresponding value of 80 in the "Ounces (oz)" column.

Ounces (oz)

Ounces (oz) is a unit of measurement used to express weight or mass. One ounce is equivalent to 1/16 of a pound, or approximately 28.35 grams. Ounces are typically used to measure the weight or mass of small objects or quantities of substances. For example, ounces are commonly used to measure ingredients in recipes, such as flour or sugar. Ounces are also used to measure the weight of small items like jewelry, coins, and precious metals. Additionally, ounces can be used to measure the weight of medications, supplements, and other small doses of substances.

Pounds (lbs)

The pound (lb) is a unit of measurement used to express weight or mass. It is commonly used in the United States and United Kingdom. One pound is equivalent to 16 ounces, or approximately 0.45 kilograms. The pound is sometimes abbreviated as "lb" or "lbs" (plural), which comes from the Latin word "libra". Pounds are typically used to measure the weight or mass of larger objects or quantities of substances. For example, pounds are commonly used to measure body weight, as well as the weight of larger items like packages, luggage, and furniture. Pounds are also used to measure the weight of bulk items like produce, meat, and grains in grocery stores and markets. Additionally, pounds can be used to measure the weight of industrial materials like metals, chemicals, and construction materials.