Convert meters to inches

Distance (in meters):
Distance (in inches):

The calculator allows you to convert meters to inches.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert inches to meters

1 m = 1 / 0.0254 inch or approximately 39.37 inch
1 inch = 0.0254 m

To convert meters to inches, divide by 0.0254.


We are going to convert a distance d of 5 meters to inches.
Distance d = 5 m
1 m = 1 / 0.0254 inch
d = 5 m = 5 / 0.0254 = 196.85"
The symbol for inch is double quotes (").

Other examples

To convert inches to meters, you can use the conversion factor of 0.0254, which represents the number of meters in one inch.

Here are three examples:

Convert 12 inches to meters:
12 inches x 0.0254 meters/inch = 0.3048 meters

Convert 24 inches to meters:
24 inches x 0.0254 meters/inch = 0.6096 meters

Convert 36 inches to meters:
36 inches x 0.0254 meters/inch = 0.9144 meters

A conversion table for meters (m) to inches

Meters (m) Inches (")
0.01 0.39
0.02 0.79
0.03 1.18
0.04 1.57
0.05 1.97
0.06 2.36
0.07 2.76
0.08 3.15
0.09 3.54
0.1 3.94
0.2 7.87
0.3 11.81
0.4 15.75
0.5 19.69
0.6 23.62
0.7 27.56
0.8 31.50
0.9 35.43
1 39.37
10 393.70
20 787.40
30 1181.10
40 1574.80
50 1968.50
60 2362.20
70 2755.90
80 3149.60
90 3543.30
100 3937.01
150 5905.51

To use the table to convert meters to inches, you simply need to find the row corresponding to the number of meters you want to convert and then read the corresponding value in the inches column. For example, if you want to convert 10 meters to inches, you would find the row with the value "10" under the "meters (m)" column, and then read the corresponding value under the "inches" column, which is "393.70".


The meter is the basic unit of length in the International System of Units (SI). The symbol for meter is "m".


An inch is a unit of length that is commonly used in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. It is defined as exactly 25.4 millimeters, or 1/12 of a foot. The symbol for inch is "in" or double quotes ("). One inch is equivalent to 1/12 of a foot or 0.0254 meter.