Convert tons to kilograms

Mass (in metric tons):
Mass (in kilograms):

The calculator allows you to convert tons to kilograms (tonnes to kilograms).

Perform the reverse calculation: convert kilograms to tons

1 t = 1 000 kg
1 kg = 1 / 1 000 t = 0.001 t

To convert metric tons (or tonnes) to kilograms, multiply by 1 000.

Example 1

We are going to convert a mass m of 2 tons to kilograms.
Mass m = 2 t
1 t = 1 000 kg
m = 2 x 1 000 kg = 2 000 kg

Other examples

To convert tons to kilograms, you need to multiply the number of tons by 1000, which is the number of kilograms in one ton. So the formula is:
kilograms = tons x 1000

Here are five examples of how to convert tons to kilograms:

Convert 2.5 tons to kilograms:
kilograms = 2.5 x 1000
kilograms = 2500

Convert 0.75 ton to kilograms:
kilograms = 0.75 x 1000
kilograms = 750

Convert 10.2 tons to kilograms:
kilograms = 10.2 x 1000
kilograms = 10200

Convert 0.25 ton to kilograms:
kilograms = 0.25 x 1000
kilograms = 250

Convert 6 tons to kilograms:
kilograms = 6 x 1000
kilograms = 6000

A conversion table for tons (t) to kilograms (kg)

Tons (t) Kilograms (kg)
1 1000
2 2000
3 3000
4 4000
5 5000
6 6000
7 7000
8 8000
9 9000
10 10000
20 20000
30 30000
40 40000
50 50000
60 60000
70 70000
80 80000
90 90000
100 100000

This table shows the equivalent values of tons in kilograms up to 100 tons. To convert any value of tons to kilograms, simply multiply the value by 1000, which is the number of kilograms in one ton.

Ton (t)

The unit ton (t) is a metric unit of mass that is equivalent to 1 000 kilograms. A tonne is a unit of weight in the metric system, which is equal to 1000 kilograms. It is also referred to as a metric ton.

Kilogram (kg)

The kilogram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units (SI). One kilogram is equal to 1 000 grams or 1 000 000 milligrams. The symbol for kilogram is "kg".

"Kilo" is a prefix used in the International System of Units (SI) to denote a factor of 1 000. It is represented by the symbol "k". The prefix "kilo" is commonly used to indicate multiplication by 1 000 for units of measurement.