Gallon to quart

Volume (gallon - gal):
Volume (quart - qt):

The calculator allows you to convert gallons to quarts.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert quarts to gallons

1 gallon = 4 quarts
1 quart = 1 / 4 gallon = 0.25 gallon

To convert gallons to quarts, multiply by 4.


To convert gallons to quarts, you need to multiply the number of gallons by 4. Indeed, there are 4 quarts in a gallon. The symbol for gallon is "gal" and the symbol for quart is "qt".

The conversion formula is:
1 gal = 4 qt

You will find below 5 examples:

Convert 3 gallons to quarts:
3 gallons = 3 x 4 = 12 quarts

Convert 2.5 gallons to quarts:
2.5 gallons = 2.5 x 4 = 10 quarts

Convert 1.75 gallons to quarts:
1.75 gallons = 1.75 x 4 = 7 quarts
Convert 0.5 gallons to quarts:
0.5 gallons = 0.5 x 4 = 2 quarts

Convert 10 gallons to quarts:
10 gallons = 10 x 4 = 40 quarts

Gallons to quarts conversion table

Gallons to Quarts (gal to qt)
1 gal = 4 qt
1.5 gal = 6 qt
2 gal = 8 qt
2.5 gal = 10 qt
3 gal = 12 qt
3.5 gal = 14 qt
4 gal = 16 qt
4.5 gal = 18 qt
5 gal = 20 qt
5.5 gal = 22 qt
6 gal = 24 qt
6.5 gal = 26 qt
7 gal = 28 qt
7.5 gal = 30 qt
8 gal = 32 qt
8.5 gal = 34 qt
9 gal = 36 qt
9.5 gal = 38 qt
10 gal = 40 qt
10.5 gal = 42 qt
11 gal = 44 qt
11.5 gal = 46 qt
12 gal = 48 qt
12.5 gal = 50 qt
13 gal = 52 qt
13.5 gal = 54 qt
14 gal = 56 qt
14.5 gal = 58 qt
15 gal = 60 qt

The table shows the conversion factor from gallons to quarts. Each row represents a conversion, with the number of gallons on the left and the equivalent number of quarts on the right. For example, the first row of the table reads "1 gal = 4 qt". This means that one gallon is equal to four quarts. To use the table, simply find the number of gallons you want to convert in the left-hand column and read the equivalent number of quarts in the right-hand column. For example, if you want to convert 3.5 gallons to quarts, you can find the row that reads "3.5 gal" in the left-hand column and then look in the right-hand column to find "14 qt", which is the equivalent number of quarts.


Gallons are a unit of measurement used to express the volume of liquid substances. In the United States, the gallon is a standard unit of measurement for both liquid and gas. The U.S. gallon is defined as 128 fluid ounces, or approximately 3.785 liters. It's important to note that gallons are a unit of volume, not weight. The symbol for U.S. gallons is "gal".


A quart is a unit of volume commonly used in the United States and other countries. It is abbreviated as "qt" and is equivalent to a quarter of a gallon or two pints. Specifically, one quart is equal to 32 fluid ounces, 0.25 gallons, or approximately 0.946 liters. The symbol for quart is "qt". We use quarts (qt) and gallons (gal) to measure the volume of liquids or fluids. The choice between the two units usually depends on the size of the quantity being measured and the context of the measurement. Quarts are commonly used for smaller quantities. On the contrary, Gallons are generally used for larger quantities.

The table below is a conversion table that shows the equivalent volumes between gallons (gal), quarts (qt), pints (pt), fluid ounces (fl oz), and liters (L).

Gallons (gal) Quarts (qt) Pints (pt) Fluid Ounces (fl oz) Liters (L)
0.125 0.5 1 16 0.473
0.25 1 2 32 0.946
0.5 2 4 64 1.893
1 4 8 128 3.785
2 8 16 256 7.571
4 16 32 512 15.142

1 US fluid gallon (gal) = 4 US quarts (qt) = 8 US pints (pt) = 128 US fluid ounces (fl oz)