Convert feet to inches

Distance (in feet):
Distance (in inches):

The calculator allows you to convert feet to inches.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert inches to feet

1 foot = 12 inches or 1 ft = 12 inches = 12"
1 inch = 1 /12 ft or approximately 0.08333 ft

To convert feet to inches, multiply by 12.


We are going to convert a distance d of 30 feet to inches.
Distance d = 4 ft
1 ft = 12 inches or 12"
d = 4 ft = 4 x 12 = 48"

To convert feet to inches, you need to multiply the number of feet by 12 (since there are 12 inches in one foot). For example, if you want to convert 5 feet to inches, you would multiply 5 by 12 to get 60 inches.
The formula for converting feet to inches is:
inches = feet x 12
So, to convert any given number of feet to inches, you simply need to multiply that number by 12.

If you have a bookshelf that is 6 feet tall, how many inches tall is it?
inches = feet x 12
inches = 6 x 12
inches = 72
Answer: The bookshelf is 72 inches tall.

If you are 5 feet 8 inches tall, how many inches tall are you?
First, convert 5 feet to inches:
5 feet = 5 x 12 = 60 inches
Then, add the remaining 8 inches:
60 inches + 8 inches = 68 inches
Answer: You are 68 inches tall.

If you are building a fence that is 12 feet long, how many inches long is it?
inches = feet x 12
inches = 12 x 12
inches = 144
Answer: The fence is 144 inches long.

A conversion table for feet (ft) to inches (in)

Feet (ft) Inches (in)
1 12
2 24
3 36
4 48
5 60
6 72
7 84
8 96
9 108
10 120
20 240
30 360
40 480
50 600
60 720
70 840
80 960
90 1 080
100 1 200
110 1 320
120 1 440
130 1 560
140 1 680
150 1 800
160 1 920
170 2 040
180 2 160
190 2 280
200 2 400
210 2 520
220 2 640
230 2 760
240 2 880
250 3 000

To read the table, you can use the following guide:

The first column of the table lists values in feet (ft), ranging from 1 to 180 in increments of 1.
The second column of the table lists the equivalent values in inches (in) for the corresponding feet value in the first column. For example, the second row of the table shows that 2 feet is equal to 24 inches.

So, if you need to convert a certain number of feet to inches, simply find the row in the table that corresponds to the feet value, and read the equivalent inches value from the second column. For example, if you want to convert 8 feet to inches, you would look for the row in the table where the first column value is 8, and then read the corresponding inches value from the second column, which is 96.

Feet (ft)

The foot (ft) is a unit of length or distance commonly used in the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries that have adopted the imperial system of measurement. It is defined as 0.3048 meters, which is approximately one third of a meter or 12 inches. The foot is often used to measure height, length, and distance in various applications such as construction, architecture, and sports. For example, a person's height may be expressed in feet and inches, and the dimensions of a room may be expressed in feet and inches as well. The use of the foot as a unit of measurement dates back to ancient civilizations, where the length of a foot was based on the length of the human foot. Over time, the standard length of a foot has been defined more precisely and has varied in different regions of the world.

Inches (in)

The inch (in) is a unit of length or distance that is commonly used in the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries that have adopted the imperial system of measurement. It is defined as 1/12th of a foot or 0.0254 meters. The inch is often used to measure small lengths or distances, such as the size of computer screens, the diameter of pipes, and the length of screws or nails. It is also commonly used to express height in the United States, where a person's height may be expressed in feet and inches.