Convert inches to feet

Distance (in inches):
Distance (in feet):

The calculator allows you to convert inches to feet.

Perform the reverse calculation: convert feet to inches

1 inch = 1 /12 ft or approximately 0.08333 ft
1 foot = 12 inches or 1 ft = 12 inches = 12"

To convert inches to feet, divide by 12.


We are going to convert a distance d of 30 inches to feet.
Distance d = 30"
1" = 1 / 12 ft
d = 30" = 30 / 12 = 2.5"

To convert inches to feet, you can divide the number of inches by 12, since there are 12 inches in one foot. The formula for converting inches to feet is:
feet = inches / 12
For example, if you have a measurement of 48 inches and you want to convert it to feet, you can use the formula as follows:
feet = 48 / 12
feet = 4
Therefore, 48 inches is equal to 4 feet.

Convert 84 inches to feet:
feet = 84 / 12
feet = 7
Therefore, 84 inches is equal to 7 feet.

Convert 120 inches to feet:
feet = 120 / 12
feet = 10
Therefore, 120 inches is equal to 10 feet.

Convert 36 inches to feet:
feet = 36 / 12
feet = 3
Therefore, 36 inches is equal to 3 feet.

A conversion table for inches (in) to feet (ft)

Inches (in) Feet (ft)
1 0.083
2 0.167
3 0.250
4 0.333
5 0.417
6 0.500
7 0.583
8 0.667
9 0.750
10 0.833
11 0.917
12 1.000
13 1.083
14 1.167
15 1.250
16 1.333
17 1.417
18 1.500
19 1.583
20 1.667
21 1.750
22 1.833
23 1.917
24 2.000
25 2.083

You can use the conversion table to convert inches to feet by finding the row that corresponds to the number of inches you want to convert and reading the value in the "Feet (ft)" column.

For example:
To convert 18 inches to feet, find the row that corresponds to 18 in the "Inches (in)" column, and then read the value in the "Feet (ft)" column, which is 1.5. Therefore, 18 inches is equal to 1.5 feet.

Inches and feet

Both inches and feet are units of measurement used to describe length. Inches are smaller than feet, with 12 inches being equal to 1 foot. nches are generally considered to be a more precise unit of measurement than feet because they are smaller. For example, if you want to measure the width of a small object, it would be more appropriate to use inches rather than feet. Feet are often used to describe larger distances or dimensions, such as the height of a building or the length of a room, while inches are used for smaller measurements, such as the diameter of a screw or the spacing between objects on a circuit board. Because feet are larger than inches, conversion between the two units involves dividing or multiplying by 12.

An inch is a unit of length that is equal to exactly 1/12th of a foot, or 2.54 centimeters. The symbol for inches is a double prime or quotation mark ("). For example, 5 inches can be written as 5". The double prime symbol is often used to distinguish inches from feet, which are represented using a single prime symbol ('). So, for example, 5 feet and 5 inches would be written as 5' 5".