Cups to milliliters (cup to mL)

Volume (cups):
Volume (milliliters - mL):

The calculator allows you to convert cups to milliliters (cups to mL).

Perform the reverse calculation: convert milliliters to cups

1 cup = 236.588 milliliters (approximately equal to)
1 milliliter = 1 / 236.588 = 0.004227 cup (approximately equal to)

To convert cups to milliliters, multiply by 236.588 (approximately).


To convert cups to milliliters (mL), you can use the conversion formula:
1 cup = 236.588 mL
So to convert from cups to milliliters, multiply the number of cups by 236.59.

You can find below 5 examples:

Convert 2 cups to mL:
2 cups = 2 x 236.588 = 473.18 mL

Convert 1/2 cup to mL:
1/2 cup = 0.5 x x 236.588 = 118.29 mL

Convert 3 cups to mL:
3 cups = 3 x 236.588 = 709.77 mL

Convert 1 cup and 3/4 to mL:
1.75 cups = 1.75 x 236.588 = 414.03 mL

Convert 4 cups to mL:
4 cups = 4 x x 236.588 = 946.35 mL

Conversion table cups to milliliters (cups to mL)

Cups Milliliters (mL)
0.1 24
0.2 47
0.3 71
0.4 95
0.5 118
0.6 142
0.7 166
0.8 189
0.9 213
1 237
1.1 261
1.2 284
1.3 308
1.4 332
1.5 355
1.6 379
1.7 403
1.8 426
1.9 450
2 473
3 710
4 946
5 1183
6 1420
7 1656
8 1893
9 2130
10 2366
11 2603
12 2840
13 3077
14 3314
15 3551
16 3785
17 4022
18 4259
19 4496
20 4732


Cup is a unit of measurement for volume that is commonly used in the United States and other countries that have adopted the US customary system of units. One cup is equivalent to 8 fluid ounces, or approximately 236.6 milliliters. Cups are often used in cooking and baking.


Milliliters (mL) is a metric unit of volume. It is a unit of measurement that is used to express small volumes of liquid. One milliliter is equal to one-thousandth of a liter, which is the base unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI). The symbol for milliliter is "mL".

Cups Fluid Ounces Quarts Gallons
1 8 1/4 1/16
2 16 1/2 1/8
3 24 3/4 3/16
4 32 1 1/4
8 64 2 1/2
12 96 3 3/4
16 128 4 1
32 256 8 2

This table is a conversion table that shows the equivalent measurements of volume for different units of measurement. It shows the conversion from cups to fluid ounces, quarts, and gallons for select values of cups. This table is useful for when you need to convert between different units of volume, such as when you are following a recipe for example.