Milliliters to cups (mL to cup)

Volume (milliliters - mL):
Volume (cups):

The calculator allows you to convert milliliters to cups (mL to cups).

Perform the reverse calculation: convert cups to milliliters

1 milliliter = 1 / 236.588 = 0.004227 cup (approximately equal to)
1 cup = 236.588 milliliters (approximately equal to)

To convert milliliters to cups, divide by 236.588 (approximately).


To convert milliliters to cups, you can use the following formula:
1 milliliter = 1 / 236.588 cup
So, to convert milliliters to cups, divide the number of milliliters by 236.588.

For example, if you want to convert 500 milliliters to cups:
500 mL = 500 / 236.588 = 2.11 cups (rounded to two decimal places)

You can find below four more examples of converting milliliters to cups:

Convert 250 milliliters to cups:
250 milliliters = 250 / 236.588 = 1.06 cups

Convert 1000 milliliters to cups:
1000 milliliters = 1000 / 236.588 = 4.23 cups

Convert 50 milliliters to cups: 50 milliliters = 50 / 236.588 = 0.21 cup

Convert 750 milliliters to cups:
750 milliliters = 750 / 236.588 = 3.17 cups

Conversion table milliliters to cups (mL to cups)

Milliliters (mL) to cups
1 mL = 0.004 cups
2 mL = 0.008 cups
3 mL = 0.013 cups
4 mL = 0.017 cups
5 mL = 0.021 cups
10 mL = 0.042 cups
15 mL = 0.063 cups
20 mL = 0.084 cups
25 mL = 0.106 cups
30 mL = 0.127 cups
35 mL = 0.148 cups
40 mL = 0.169 cups
45 mL = 0.190 cups
50 mL = 0.211 cups
55 mL = 0.232 cups
60 mL = 0.254 cups
65 mL = 0.275 cups
70 mL = 0.296 cups
75 mL = 0.317 cups
80 mL = 0.338 cups
85 mL = 0.360 cups
90 mL = 0.381 cups
95 mL = 0.402 cups
100 mL = 0.422 cups
125 mL = 0.528 cups
150 mL = 0.634 cups
175 mL = 0.740 cups
200 mL = 0.845 cups
300 mL = 1.268 cups
400 mL = 1.690 cups
500 mL = 2.113 cups
600 mL = 2.535 cups
700 mL = 2.958 cups
800 mL = 3.381 cups
900 mL = 3.804 cups
1000 mL = 4.227 cups


Milliliters (mL) is a metric unit of volume. It is a unit of measurement that is used to express small volumes of liquid. One milliliter is equal to one-thousandth of a liter, which is the base unit of volume in the International System of Units (SI). The symbol for milliliter is "mL".


Cup is a unit of measurement for volume that is commonly used in the United States and other countries that have adopted the US customary system of units. One cup is equivalent to 8 fluid ounces, or approximately 236.6 milliliters. Cups are often used in cooking and baking.

Cups Fluid Ounces Quarts Gallons
1 8 1/4 1/16
2 16 1/2 1/8
3 24 3/4 3/16
4 32 1 1/4
8 64 2 1/2
12 96 3 3/4
16 128 4 1
32 256 8 2

This table is a conversion table that shows the equivalent measurements of volume for different units of measurement. It shows the conversion from cups to fluid ounces, quarts, and gallons for select values of cups. This table is useful for when you need to convert between different units of volume, such as when you are following a recipe for example.